Democrats and Why We Don’t Need Them…Domestic Gun Violence

This seems to be a Possibly Better Solution to Domestic Gun Violence. What Do You Think???? In 1865, a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States . In 1881, a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States – who later died from the wound. In 1963,Continue reading “Democrats and Why We Don’t Need Them…Domestic Gun Violence”

President’s Cabinet…Let’s Compare

PRESIDENT’S CABINET These numbers help explain why these last eight years were disastrous for the USA. I read to the last item and then looked at Trump’s Cabinet. No wonder Washington, DC is in a turmoil. Trump’s picks are bosses who expect their employees to work. These are Eye Opening Numbers and is what bothers a lotContinue reading “President’s Cabinet…Let’s Compare”

Election Official Admits Democrats Commit Voter Fraud |

We always knew some cities like New York were corrupt, but who knew they were this bad! What better person to speak on the subject of voter fraud than New York Board of Elections Commissioner Alan Schulkin, who was caught on camera here speaking about the subject — probably too candidly for his own Source:Continue reading “Election Official Admits Democrats Commit Voter Fraud |”

Raccoon Poop and How To Get Rid Of It!

Raccoon poop. Like many citizens, I’ve wondered and tried so hard to understand why Trump has such a remarkable following. Then a friend sent me this raccoon story.   It makes no difference about your political leanings, this is just a good explanation of WHY… (Or it’s as good as any I can come upContinue reading “Raccoon Poop and How To Get Rid Of It!”

Hillsdale College | 2016 Fiscal Year End

Without question many of our Constitutional Freedoms are slipping away thanks to the disgusting Progressives and Democrats. This needs to be reversed. This Hillsdale article will help accomplish this end. Thank you. Source: Hillsdale College | 2016 Fiscal Year End

Hillary Clinton Republicans

Republicans like Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) are now trying to justify their votes to confirm Hillary Clinton’s nomination by claiming that she lied to them. The truth is that Senator Cornyn knew that the foundation was going to continue accepting foreign donations and that Hillary Clinton couldn’t be trusted. Yet he chose to look theContinue reading “Hillary Clinton Republicans”

Why The Presidential Election Is Rigged!

If the people who vote in the Presidential Election are known for whom they will vote, is that considered rigged? These are the people who will vote Democrat: 1.) Everyone on welfare who pays no federal taxes. 2.) Most blacks, 85 percent or more. 3.) Most Native Americans who still live on the reservations. 4.)Continue reading “Why The Presidential Election Is Rigged!”